Dani Jewell

Professor Miller

6 February 2019


Soy You Think you have a Favorite Meal




Your four course dinner is replaced by 1 single protein shake. Your friends and family sitting beside you are replaced by a single 5 by 2” screen. Your dining hall replaced by a cubicle or bedroom. Your social skills replaced by anti social activities and the demise of humanity as we know it. Your meals are replaced by Soylent and your life is replaced by non human characteristics too. This is no alternate universe where a typical sit down meal is replaced with Soylent. As discussed in Lizzie Widdicombe’s article “The End of Food” featured in the magazine The New Yorker, Soylent is a meal alternative nutrient enriched shake invented by Rob Rhinehart  as well as a few of his other co entrepreneurs that is a leading cause to the downfall of food as we know it.             ******Go check list of potential thesis’s


Background info???**** divide it out as you go :


Define what food is (solid, sit down, fast food count??)


-Whats the purpose of soylent

-Summarize Widdicombe’s argument

-What are the different views with replacing the food with Soylent (pleasure vs. utility)


Body 1: Trying New Things


As discussed in my essay, Soul in the Sole, in the conversation with my mother I asked her blank and she said  *** use more figurative language, she laughed, she thought for a long while, she scoffed, she pondered this for a bit


“Over time making this meal for our family has changed her views on the meal as she describes making it over the years. “Now it is a labor of love. Before it was about trying something new!’” FROM Fav meal essay

  1. Trying new things
    1. Jasmine and I passport meal
    2. Embracing other peoples cultures, outgoing, empathy, connecting with other people
    3. Mom with cook book 30 years ago now its a labor of love but it used to be about trying something new

Body 2: Affection For Others


  1. Affection for each other
    1. Family going out of way to make things special for me- Soul with the white wine butter sauce
    2. First Dates?!?!?!?!


Body 3: Morals and Respect

  1. Morals—respect-the main point is the food, but phones could be used as a metaphor or analogy
    1. Not going on your phone at dinner
      1. Home phone ditched when I was 9
      2. I rarely go on my phone during a meal unless I’m sitting alone
      3. Many teenagers sit mindlessly scrolling
    2. Waiting for everyone to finish eating
      1. Even when I’m eating a lot my friends and teammates wait until I’m done for all of us to get up and go
    3. Waiting to meet up with people for lunch

Body 4: Entertainment

  1. Entertainment–
    1. How it leads to overall happiness
    2. Being less lonely
      1. Inviting people over who are sitting alone….clarify between feeling lonely and eating alone and what makes the difference!?!?!?!?!?
    3. College kids sometimes eating alone
      1. Look back at lined paper from class on 2/4 Jesse’s comments 2nd page on the back
    4. Everyone eats in their clicks Teams start their seasons by pushing 3 tables together to eat 20 people at a time

Body 5: Rebuttal:— how would Rhinehart react, although the socialization  aspect of food in current society is amazing, this actually is not beneficial for the environment


Conclusion:— summarize your argument but frame it in the new perspective…..maybe compare to cell phones


Works Cited


Widdicombe, Lizzie. “The End of Food.” Annals of Gastronomy May 12, 2014 Print.