I think one skill that the nurses exemplified in this movie was patient centered care. Putting the patient in the center, not the disease and looking at all the aspects of health for the patient. This really embodies what Florence Nightingale set forth from the beginning of what we think of as the foundation of nursing. This framework really can be carried through all my coursework as it helps priority setting frameworks in addition to ethical inquisitions that arise. Additionally, I really think the nurses in this film embodied the “get it done attitude” as Marla Weston was describing. These nurses are innovative, determined and they find ways to create solutions. These two concepts of patient centered care and determination is what drives nursing. I am further working on developing these skills within myself through priority setting frameworks and resiliency.

One patient population mentioned in the film that I feel I haven’t served during my experience as a student nurse through UNE is the Navajo. There were multiple barriers to care I identified in the film. Sometimes the nurse would travel for miles in remote areas. Often the cell phone reception was patchy. They even mentioned that sometimes emergency medical services were not able to get up the sandy roads. These physical barriers can only perpetuate sickness. With regards to cultural humility, I feel that I have limited knowledge about caring for diverse populations and cultural beliefs around healing. 

Two of my strengths include taking initiative and striving for excellence. I have co-founded multiple organizations at my university and I am eager to start new tasks. I strive for excellence whether it is finding improvements in my study habits, or in organization programs. I would say one of my largest challenges is working on balance. Whether it is work life balance, or the balance of workload amongst colleagues I feel that I often feel the pressure and excitement to sign up for more than that is equal and this may set me up for burn out down the road. The top ways I’m working on this include finding ways I can delegate more in organizations I am a part of and even as a server, finding ways to evenly distribute workload among my coworkers for side work.

One thought on “Career Development

  1. Thank you, Dani, for sharing how the nurses in the movie have inspired you to reflect on our own practice and identify areas in which you already demonstrate strength as well as those where there is room for improvement – which is to be expected at this point in your career! Of course it’s difficult to gain skills & confidence in caring for particular populations if you haven’t had the exposure. That will come with time, and then the important thing becomes being comfortable with discomfort, because that means you’re growing & learning. As we’ve discussed in class, you don’t need to know the ins and outs of all cultural practices outside of your own; the most important things is that you maintain an openness to & curiosity of different cultural practices, and allow your patients to educate you on what they would like incorporated into their care and how. It sounds like you have a solid plan for “selling” yourself in your upcoming interviews – and you are going to blow them away! Great work!

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