With regards to the team project from topic choice to writing the final paper, I anticipate this running smoothly for the most part.  I am familiar with most of my group members and I am confident in the content and ability for them to produce high level work. Additionally I think that one other thing that will make this project run smoothly is communication. With our track record so far, multiple group members I am familiar with are consistent with text messages prior to assignment deadlines. Additionally, we will hold each other accountable by sending first a group message, then individual text messages. 

If someone is not participating or failing to complete the agreed upon work, we will first treat them with the philosophy of innocence until proven otherwise. This means, instead of immediately being upset that they did not complete their work, we would try to understand why they did not complete it. Maybe they lost wifi. Maybe they ended up in the Emergency room. However, after asking directly if they are alright then why they didn’t do the work, this takes out passive aggression and directly works towards the goal to work cohesively and meet deadlines. 

The only barriers I can anticipate are my own procrastination and a potential for too many good ideas and trying to sort through whose ideas are better than the others. For my own procrastination, it is important to plan ahead of time and come prepared. These are both important skills for my future nursing practice. Another useful experience we will come across is compromise when figuring out whose ideas are best for the entire group.