I have learned a significant amount about collaboration, teamwork and professionalism over the course of this semester with regards to our evidence based practice project. I’ve learned that it really does take a team and you are only as strong as the group you make yourself to be, not each individual’s strengths. To me this project has been like accomplishing a group puzzle. Sure, you can start it with a beautiful plan crafted that outlines everything and each person gets their own section but in practice you have to work together for a common goal and no piece of the puzzle can work on its own. 

For my future practice as a nurse I know that I will be more confident in asking for assistance when needed and embracing differing perspectives, two things I have struggled with for years. With regards to the team process, I have discovered a lot about myself as a team member. I feel that I make everyone feel welcomed and come at each piece of the puzzle with a compromisable embrace.