This photo speaks to many aspects of collaboration. Collaboration isn’t simply just about working together. Yes, collaboration encompasses teamwork, but it also includes much more which is exhibited by the photo included. It includes feedback. It includes motivation from others. It includes sacrifice.  Collaboration is every aspect of these. This photo shows each of these values. The members holding up the log sacrifice going first in an effort for the greater good. The leaders on the top rock are cheering on the others’ success and help guide the way. Those on the lower rock are examining the process and reflecting on improvement for their time to come. They work together as one cohesive unit. If this photo was not collaborative it would appear as: 1 person running and leaping for another rock, another with a log that when they get across pushes it to the side so no one else can use it.  Collaboration is more efficient and is a beautiful aspect of human values.

6 thoughts on “NSG 351-Collaboration in Nursing

  1. Your image choice is very different than mine because I chose a healthcare setting picture of the healthcare professionals collaborating in the healthcare setting, but you chose a more out of the box picture. Your picture shows how the people need to collaborate and work together to get across the gap in the rock and if they don’t, they will all fall and not make it across successfully. Your perspective on this made me think outside of the box about how not only do we need to collaborate when we encounter a problem, but we need to collaborate to be successful overall and if we don’t, we all fall not just one of us. Also, when you mention the members holding up the log “sacrifice” for the greater good it made me think about collaboration and how as nurses and healthcare professionals we will be making those sacrifices for one another. Your perspective on the team working as a cohesive unit is the same perspective, I was taking on the collaboration value. It is extremely important to collaborate with one another to provide your patient with the best possible care and I think your picture encompasses the importance perfectly!

    1. Alexis, thank you for your comment regarding my collaborating in nursing picture. I’m glad it got you to think outside the box about healthcare teams working towards common goals. Your comment about how we make sacrifices for one another really stuck out to me. Sometimes it may be frustrating having differing opinions from other health care professionals and its important to give and take as we realize we all have one common goal: the patient.

  2. Love the image and your interpretation! It is a fabulous demonstration of collaboration so thanks for finding it. Great site!

    1. Professor Goran, Thank you for your kind words. I enjoyed taking an abstract approach to the assignment!

  3. Dani,
    I love the abstract way that you thought about the collaboration being used in this image. Your image choice is quite different from mine. Where I focused on an image of healthcare professionals looking at paperwork together, you took it to the next level and focused on each little piece that contributes along the way. I understand your perspective and how easy it is for people to just decide that they are only in it for themselves. The following line I found to be quite meaningful: “The members holding up the log sacrifice going first in an effort for the greater good.” I hadn’t thought of the people under the log as having made a sacrifice, but I like the way that you worded it. They had just as much of a right to make it atop the larger rock as the other people did, but they decided to help get the others across first; they decided to collaborate in order to reach their shared end goal. I think that your image is a great example at showing all of the little pieces that make up the whole process of collaboration.

  4. Dani,
    I feel that this photo has more meaning the longer you look into it. At first glance I saw that two people made it to the top while the rest struggle along the way. But now looking again I see a whole different meaning. When looking at this picture I feel that it represents the dynamics of life. You are always going to have the people that succeed without the help of others, the people that succeed with help, the people that may not be succeeding in the moment but have potential, and the people that will never succeed but do their best tp help others succeed. All of that is a form of collaboration even if it isn’t the typical form. Sometimes people don’t realize that with collaboration can also come downfall. With that being said I feel that you mentioning the need for sacrifice as a result of collaboration was very important. I feel that sometimes the idea of collaboration is so cut and dry we forget all the stepping stone it takes for true collaboration.

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