Framing Statement for Bio 106 Ex 6 Lab Report Strengths and Weaknesses

Dani Jewell

Professor Miller

ENG 110 H5



Strengths and Weaknesses from Lab Report 3 (Exercise 6)


For my third lab write up in the lab section Biology 106L, I wrote about fermentation, specifically, the Effects of Sugar Type on Ethanol Production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Through Fermentation. Although I was very proud of myself for the grade I received, I’m not proud of myself for this particular paper process overall. My strengths were that I did a great job incorporating necessary data into the results as well as backing up my findings with those of reliable resources. On the other hand, some of my weaknesses include: not being concise enough, using online resources and extreme procrastination. I’m not proud to say that I procrastinated so much I walked back to my dorm room from the library at 4:45 in the morning however, I believe that learning from your mistakes through some of your deepest challenges is something to be proud of. This sense of both accomplishment as well as failure shows my growth as a writer in the course of Biology 106 as well as  my development as a freshman in all writing aspects including time management skills.